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tv   Jansing and Co.  MSNBC  March 25, 2013 7:00am-8:00am PDT

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or difficulty breathing or swallowing, stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. ask your doctor about cialis for daily use and a 30-tablet free trial. good morning. i'm kris jansing. congress may be off for three weeks, but three billionaires are trying to balance the
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political issues of the day. mayor bloomberg is putting $12 million behind an ad campaign to push pacific senators to act. mark zuckerberg could put as much as $20 million to push issues, starting with immigration. and starbucks ceo, howard schultz who endorsed same sex marriage told a shareholder if he didn't like it, he could sell his stock and go somewhere else to put his money. let me bring in anna pal ner and harry bacon. good morning. >> good morning. >> perry, money can buy you ads. will it change any votes in congress say on gun control? >> these issues are all different. howard schultz and gay marriage, lots of americans are becoming more progay marriage. yochk he will make either an issue because people are already deciding pro-gay marriage, republican senators are coming
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out for gay marriage. that issue seems to be decided for most of the american public. immigration also will pass, not because of mark zuckerberg, but a lot feel they have to appeal to latinos. on the republican issue, the money could make a difference. what mayor bloomberg wants to do is influence a few democrats, mark prior of arkansas, mary landri landrieu, they might support background checks. these ads may make a difference in one of those states. >> let me play one of the ads so people know what we are talking about. >> for me, guns are for hunting and protecting my family. i believe in the second amendment and i'll fight to protect it. but with rights come responsibilities. that's why i support comprehensive background checks so criminals and dangerously mentally ill can't buy guns. that protects my rights and my family. >> so these ads run in 13
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states, largely vulnerable democrats, and senators in swing states. how do they turn this around? it seemed to me that after newtown, the nra sort of lost its footing, but it clearly has come back. can bloomberg's money bring the other side back? >> i think that what we're going to see, what will be very interesting is this money is coming from mike bloomberg, you know, this casts the argument where the nra wants it in terms of elite, wealthy, from a big city mayor, trying to tell you in your rural state how to vote these issues. it could have a back lash, unintended consequences in these kinds of things, instead of forcing to be on the side of gun control, it could be like hey, this is someone outsider in arkansas telling us what to believe. >> wayne la pierre says people
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don't want to be told what to do. >> he is going to find out this is a country of the people, by the people, for the people. he can't spend enough of his $27 billion to try to impose his will on the american public. don't want him in their restaurants, in their homes, telling them what food to eat. they sure don't want him telling them what self defense firearms to own and he can't buy america. he is so reckless in terms of his comments on the whole gun issue. >> it is so interesting and consistent, perry, the way he is framing this issue, which is that people getting into your business. michael bloomberg is getting into your business. it is not about the issue necessarily per se, but the message from the nra is telling the rich guy to stay out of my business, right? >> exactly. they also made this argument that bloomberg is the guy trying to ban you from getting your big gulp drinks, trying to cast bloomberg as the villain, big government guy in your face.
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that said, on background checks and gun control, something like 90% of americans support extended background checks. he is not in the minority but in the strong majority. his money can reinforce that message. they vote on their personal beliefs and policies in their state. we are talking $12 million in 13 states, that's not that much money, sounds like a lot. one million per state won't decide how a senator votes. they decide based on what people in their state thinks. even gun owners are for expanded background checks. >> want to bring in congressman dave cyst lean ee, democrat from rhode island. what do you think, is perry right or can $12 million and the voice that michael bloomberg has, the attention he is able to get say going on "meet the press" change the conversation? >> i think perry is right, this is where the american people
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already are. what these ads do, activate those in those states to reach out to their member of the congress or senate and urge them to adopt a common sense approach to reducing gun unless. the nra is doing what you expect them, frame it as bloomberg does. the vast majority of the american people favor universal background checks. it is about avoiding the issue, which is most americans support universal background checks to make sure criminals and those that are seriously mentally ill don't have access to a dangerous firearm. it is supported by overwhelming majority of americans, including gun owners. what the nra is doing making it about mayor bloomberg, talking about sugary drinks, talking about government intervening in your lives to avoid focusing on the underlying policy.
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hopefully this will activate people in those states to reach out to members of congress and urge them to vote for this common sense gun legislation. >> you were a mayor in providence, you know about this. the argument you make is what we heard from michael bloomberg yesterday. let me play a little clip from him. >> 90% of the public wants something and their representatives vote against that, common sense says they're going to have a price to pay for that. >> will they though? we have seen that votes don't always come directly out of public opinion polls. >> i think this time is different. we saw 20 first grade children slaughtered because of gun violence in a classroom in this country and six adults. if this event in newtown is not enough to cause congress to do something about the surge of gun violence in this country, shame on us. i think this is different, million mom march, mayors against illegal guns, demand a
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plan, a lot of organizations are activating people to insist on action by congress. >> i guess the question is what action at this point. it seems as though those that are intimately involved in this maybe knew from the beginning that the assault weapons ban would be tough. harry reid has taken it out of the bill, in spite of the fact that dianne feinstein was obviously very upset about it. was there miscalculation there by pushing the assault weapons ban so hard, knowing it was a long shot at best, does whatever happen, even if they get say background checks, does it look like they lost? >> no, we have to push hard on all these efforts. one, fix the broken background check system and make sure we close loopholes so criminals and people that are mentally ill cannot buy a gun. close fire sale loophole, when someone has your revoked, so they can sell it without background checks. fix those things. be sure people are entered into the national background check
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system. at the same time, we should be working hard to ban the presence of weapons of war, assault weapons, high capacity ammunition in the neighborhoods and cities and towns. there's no reason for that. we need to be pushing all of these. i haven't given up on the assault weapons ban, i recognize it will be hard to do, but we should put before congress and get vote on all these, we will in the senate looks like. i think people expect that. we can enact common sense gun safety measures that will keep communities safe, that respect the right of people to own and possess a firearm, and that's what we should be working for. >> no doubt on an issue like background checks, the polls are wildly in the favor of getting that through. let me talk to you a little about what the supreme court, though, is going to talk about. two big cases on gay marriage, you're one of the first openly gay members of congress. you have someone like howard schultz who has a megaphone in a similar way that michael bloomberg does. can that influence what happens
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there, can public opinion and what has clearly been a change, not just in public opinion but in the number of members of congress and political figures we have seen turn around on this issue? does the supreme court listen as well? >> i think there's no question that what is happening in our country is going to weigh in the way the supreme court looks at this issue. the country has really moved so far in terms of supporting marriage equality, both in states in our country, in elected leadership, in business leadership, and it makes a difference when the supreme court decides what they embrace in terms of the breadth of their decision. the american people are way ahead of the judiciary, they have moved beyond it, people have embraced marriage equality. people under 30 support it by 81%. i think people have recognized this is a question of fundamental fairness, of basic notions of equality, and the
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supreme court has the responsibility to catch up to that. >> congressman, good to see you. thank you so much. anna, since we are talking money and politics, in your reporting you found republicans may be able to raise more money if they support same sex marriage, right? >> absolutely. we have talked to several gop fund-raisers. there's been a turnoff by the big donors in some of the socially liberal areas like new york, california, florida who feel like this last election was lost because there was too much focus on social issues. so there's a real drive in terms of trying to get some of this money that maybe people said 2014, we may not give as much as we did in the last election because we are frustrated, to get that money, open the checkbooks, get them to start writing again. >> it is interesting. perry, you touched on this. you see somebody like howard schultz trying to influence in a different way. he makes political donations but he is certainly not a huge donor, doesn't have his own pac in the way mayor bloomberg does.
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what do you think is the possibility of this, though, having some influence? i mean, are people listening? is it that he is a voice in a louder growing sort of message there or is his singular voice important? >> he is a voice in such a big conversation. a few months ago, almost a year ago, rob portman was considered a vice presidential candidate for mitt romney very much opposed to gay marriage. we have seen rob say he is for gay marriage. the shift in this country has been so dramatic and strong on this, we are seeing ceos, hillary clinton, republican senators, republican members of congress, ken melman, ex-republican chair, talked about gay marriage and opposition now being for gay marriage. the court can't ignore how strong the movement in the country, pretty much everyone below 30 is for gay marriage. hard to imagine they'll buck
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those trends and somehow come against gay marriage. >> it brings me back to the original premise, whether or not some of these folks, whether with their money or megaphone have an opportunity to really influence the conversation, one lone individual, and i am thinking in this case about mark zuckerberg who we mentioned at the top. he has a big vested interest in this, not the only one in silicon valley or tech industries saying we need the best and brightest wherever they're from. it seems like a natural extension that he would be a part of this, that his initial foray into heavy politics would be immigration. can someone like that make a difference? >> it definitely makes sense why you see this kind of growing trend of billionaires, big money with deep pockets trying to get in and make a change in terms of issues that matter for them. the issue with mark zuckerberg, immigration reform is a big topic that everybody in the general sense on the hill, republicans and democrats, often
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now are of the mind yes, we want comprehensive immigration reform. tech ceos for a long time in terms of company focus on high end visas. now you're looking at a company like facebook, they'll be lobbying on this. mark zuckerberg will make a personal interest. you could see $20 million, not chump change when you talk about trying to activate a lot of people to get invested on this issue, try to force it before it is too late and gets too close to 2014. >> good to see you both. thank you. >> thanks. speaking of people with lots of money, someone bought a lottery ticket in new jersey and is the sole winner of the $338 million powerball jackpot. lottery officials are having a news conference, say no one has come forward, but that ticket was sold at eagle liquor in passaic. it has a lump sum payout, are you ready, $221 million!
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a good start, that's how secretary of state john kerry described president obama's first presidential visit to israel. the white house had set expectations low, but is there was one surprise, when the president persuaded israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu to apologize to turkey over mistakes that led to the death of activists on a flotilla bound for gaza. let me bring in congressman elliott angle. good to see you. >> thank you. >> congressman mike rogers had a very different take than john kerry about the president's trip. let me play it for you. >> i thought the trip was a disappointment for us. i think the president squandered great opportunity to show leadership and push them in a place where they could get an
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agreement out of a meeting, didn't get it, got a speech, get to some agreement on the path forward on syria, didn't get that. >> so from your perspective, congressman, a disappointment, a success? somewhere in between? >> it was a great success. i was with the president. i flew with him on air force one, traveled with him. he was treated like a rock star in israel. >> how interesting, he had a 10% approval rating going in. >> he was confident, spoke about a bond between the united states and israel. said he would always support israel, have their back. he talked about the jewish state of israel, talked about the ties to the land, difficult jewish ties to the land. i don't know how anyone can say it wasn't a success. he was very well received and he talked about a two state solution which would bring peace between the palestinians and
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israel and i think everyone wants peace. so i think this was a very, very good trip for him, positive for him, well received by the israeli people. >> and with benjamin netanyahu, we all know he hasn't always had the warmest relationship. in the words the prime minister spoke and in body language. at one point, the president seemed to be trying to block anyone from lip reading as they were having a little conversation. if this was a success, how does he move it forward? >> let me say you were right. i was at that state dinner sitting right in front of him, and the two of them were slapping each other on the back, whispering in each other's ears, telling each other jokes, and i think whatever negativity there was i think the vast majority of it is gone and we have to move on from here. i think we move on from here by trying to get a peace agreement between israel and the palestinians, but let's put things in perspective.
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the israelis said they will sit down in face to face negotiations no preconditions and the palestinians have refused, and president obama many times on this trip said the only way you can have a peace agreement is face to face negotiations no preconditions. and the palestinians unfortunately in my opinion have been asking for all these preconditions, which has been blocking peace talks. the two parties should just sit down, hash it out, not leave the room until there's a peace agreement. >> it is interesting based on what you said, there was a big headline in "the new york times" that read particularly specifically about healing the rift between turkey and israel, obama shows talent forearm twisting, suggesting exactly that it was person to person relationships. but it is one thing to get an apology about the incident. it is another to try to solve one of the world's most enduring conflicts. can the use that one on one in a way that frankly has not always been so successful with congress? >> well, i think the president
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is a very persuasive guy. he's smart, tough, he's hard working. sure. i think he can do it. he got israel to apologize to turkey. frankly, i think turkey has been a bad player in all of this. i think that it takes two to ta tango. turkey has been blocking israel participating with nato and doing a lot of other things. hopefully this will get that started and also peace talks between the palestinians and israelis will get started, too. i want to tell you, i was with the president. he was a rock star in israel and he deserved it. people who criticized him, if they don't like what he does, criticize him, and when he is successful they criticize him. if you want criticisms to be valid, you have to praise the guy when he does something right. on this trip to israel, he did everything right. >> you were in the new york legislature when i was a reporter in albany, new york. only three or four years ago. >> you and me both, three and
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four years ago. >> in the '80s. >> thank you, kris. secretary of state john kerry is in afghanistan, and unannounced 24 hour visit, including a meeting with president karzai. the u.s. is preparing to pull out of the country. secretary kerry already made a surprise visit to iraq over the weekend. there he urged the prime minister to stop arms shipments from going from iran through to syria. twins. i didn't see them coming. i have obligations. cute obligations, but obligations. i need to rethink the core of my portfolio. what i really need is sleep. introducing the ishares core, building blocks for the heart of your portfolio. find out why 9 out of 10 large professional investors choose ishares for their etfs. ishares by blackrock. call 1-800-ishares for a prospectus which includes investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses. read and consider it carefully before investing. risk includes possible loss of principal.
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captain, there's poor reception. >> fascinating. >> irs officials responded to critics saying the video is, quote, not reflective of overall irs efforts. and new this morning, we are getting our first look at the irs' "gilligan's island" spoof. they watched the video and found it was a legitimate training video. senator rand paul wants the federal government to mellow out on marijuana sentencing telling chris wallace he is not a pot advocate but has problems with the current penalties for offenders. >> there are people in jail for 37, 50, 45 years for nonviolent crimes. that's a huge mistake. our prisons are full of nonviolent criminals. i don't want to encourage people to do it, i think it is a bad thing to do, takes away incentive to show up for work and do things you should be doing, i don't think it is a good idea. >> and the president may use
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more of the hebrew tonight at the white house. he will join the first lady to mark the beginning of passover. and if you read only one thing this morning, have you heard about the hottest, latest thing in the art world? oscar winning actress, sleeping in a clear box at the museum of modern art. it is my must read and leads me to my must ask question. what do you think of this as performance art? it is up on our facebook page. don't forget to like us. and those are my final four picks. now over to you charles????
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sir charles' single miles card left him blacked out. he's coming to us from home. that's gotta be traveling. now instead of covering the final four, he's stuck covering fourth graders. brick! bobby is 1 for 36. mikey? he keeps taking these low-percentage shots. and julio? i don't know what julio's doing. next time get the capital one venture card and fly any airline any time. what's in your wallet? can you get me mr. baldwin's autograph? get lost, kid.
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i'm up next, but now i'm singing the heartburn blues. hold on, prilosec isn't for fast relief. cue up alka-seltzer. it stops heartburn fast. ♪ oh what a relief it is! something this delicious could only come from nature. discover nectresse™. the 100%-natural no-calorie sweetener made from the goodness of fruit. nectresse™. sweetness naturally. a pair of potentially groundbreaking cases on same sex marriage go before the supreme court this week. tomorrow justices hear arguments on whether to overturn california's proposition 8 which bans same sex marriage. then wednesday, arguments whether to uphold the defense of marriage act. in a sign of the intense interest in all of this, the lines for the roughly 50 public seats available inside the court started to form on thursday.
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this drama comes as the public and political mood is clearly shifting. yesterday, democratic senator claire mccaskill came out for same sex marriage. even republican guru karl rove said he could see a republican presidential candidate supporting gay marriage. then there's a new poll. majority of americans, 58%, say same sex marriage should be legal. >> we're not asking for a new constitutional right. the constitutional right to marry is well established. in fact, the supreme court ruled you can't take away the right to marry, even from imprisoned felons. this is a basic civil rights issue. i don't think this is the kind of issue that will divide the court the way other issues divide the court. >> asia mills and jimmy la sylvia, director of go proud. good to see you both. >> thanks for having me.
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>> frank bruni said the final chapter of this story has in fact been written. the question isn't whether there will be a happy ending, the question is when. asia, is he right? >> absolutely. the tide has completely shifted on the as you announced earlier, the polling on marriage equality. we know this is not a matter of if, it is a matter of when. the states are moving this direction, it is a matter of time. >> even with the politicians, you see this move. jimmy, i was thinking about the fact that gay rights supporters weren't welcome at cpac, and you know who was, phyllis shaf lee, credited with turning back the equal rights amendment when in the '70s it seemed like a done deal. is it possible the celebrations
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are premature? >> i can tell you i agree, we have reached a tipping point on this. i was part of a panel held in the same hotel at cpac that the competitive enterprise institute sponsored, our room was packed, overflowing. the polls show a majority of young conservatives support same sex marriage. and aisha mentioned the states are moving on this, we can see it happening in states all across the country. even today, the columbus dispatch had a poll where 53% of people in ohio support rolling back a ban on same sex marriage and legalizing it. i think that while there are some that don't support same sex marriage, there are a lot who do, and the tide is absolutely moving that way. >> rob portman is one of the people that shifted, and his son wrote an op-ed in the yale daily news. he writes i'm proud of my dad.
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he's shown he is willing to take a political risk in order to take a principled stand. was he a good man before he changed his position and he is a good man now just as there are good people on either side of this issue today. are people watching him, other republicans, aisha, is it possible he is making it less risky for republicans, some in more swing districts or more conservative districts to change their position? >> sure. i would hope that he is. i want to underscore a key point about, you know, the kind of shift we're seeing across the country. this is not partisan. equality is not partisan. it is dignity and respect and justice and civil rights, should not be partisan. what we're seeing is we see republicans and moderate democrats coming to the table, saying we support equality for everybody, support marriage equality. they're responding not just to their own political base but to the tone of the country. 70 something%, like 78% of independents believe in marriage
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equality, believe that my marriage, for example, is valid. so when we see politicians shifting, we should start to hold them to the fire to acknowledge what americans care about, what americans believe and not just the partisan aspects of this. at this point the republicans are kind of the fragile, you know, kind of side group that doesn't believe this just as a group, but when you have most independents and almost all democrats, then you pretty much have the whole country behind you. >> jimmy, what's the heart of the argument you make to reluctant lawmakers. we talked about it earlier in the program. politico reports there are republicans, same sex marriage supporters with big checkbooks that kept them closed up until this point. is it the money argument you make? what argument do you make? >> i think that republicans and conservatives are no different than anybody else. they know marriage is good for people and want their gay family and friends to have that in
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their lives. one thing the political reality is showing us is that there's room in the republican party for a variety of views on the issue, where that wasn't the case not that long ago. you're seeing republicans on both sides of the issue bringing our shared values to that issue. >> do you agree with karl rove we could see a republican nominee who supports it? >> oh, yes, oh, yes. we're living in a different political reality than we were in 2004 when karl rove was beating a different drum. i mean, this issue has changed and republicans are changing with it. >> and yet, aisha, you still have as of the last election, it is very difficult to get through the primary season as a moderate or more left of center republican. >> i mean, it certainly is. but you know, i keep going back to looking at the electorate, what do we need to win as candidates in general. i believe on the issue of
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marriage equality, this has become a moderate issue, this is an issue about civil rights. most people know that, get that. that's why you see rob portman and others say i may be a republican, but i am coming out in front. even claire mccaskill who had a tough time, thought she would have a tough time in her primary come out and say you know what, this is the right thing to do because this is not about just electoral politics, this is about justice and civil rights for all. when we decided in america, hundreds of years ago, we're going to treat everybody equally, that's what the constitution is premised in, then we have to do it for everybody. >> two huge cases tomorrow and wednesday argued in front of the u.s. supreme court. we will be following them very closely. thanks to you both. checking the news feed. today, the u.s. military is turning control of an afghan prison back to the afghans. it was delayed by six months over concerns about the possible release of dangerous prisoners. the two countries reached a deal
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last week not to release those prisoners. amanda knox said to be anxious as she waits to find out if she will be retried in italy for the 2007 murder of her roommate. prosecutors are appealing that acquittal from 2011, something that wouldn't be allowed in u.s. courts. the now 25-year-old was studying abroad when her roommate, meredith kercher was found stabbed to death in their apartment. we expect a decision later today. also today, an autopsy is being performed to unlock the mystery of how a russian billionaire died at his british country home. the body found locked in a bathroom with a scarf next to him. he was a critic of vladimir putin, and is the third business man from the former ussr who died in the past five years under suspicious circumstances. friends say he was depressed in recent months but don't believe he would commit suicide. pope francis in his first
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appearance at his first holy week used some home spun wisdom to encourage people to reach out to the poor. he quoted his grandmother with the adage you can't take it with you, saying there are no pockets in a shroud. he arrived in an uncovered car, greeting a crowd of 250,000. he will lead six more liturgies, including washing of the feet of prisoners in a juvenile facility thursday and culminating with his first easter mass. prince harry coming to the u.s. in may in washington, d.c. he will make stops at walter reed medical center and go to arlington national cemetery and meet with hurricane sandy victims in new york and new jersey. he visited the u.s. last may, but grabbed headlines for his partying ways during a stop in las vegas. here in the newsroom, we are promising each other that we would have shared if we won the
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$338 million, easy to do when you didn't win. too bad we're not so lucky. the winner hasn't come forward. nbc's ron allen is in new jersey and they thought they had a winner there. what happened? >> reporter: first of all, i need to get in on the conversations about sharing, because i had never heard that part of this whole thing. here there were rumors that they thought they sold the winning ticket. that means about 10 grand for the winning store. we know it is a liquor store in passaic, new jersey, not this place, there were people still buying tickets. the next powerball jackpot is a mere 40 million, of course. and i'll take that as well if we're having more of those conversations. but passaic, new jersey, don't know if there's one or several winners. they haven't been contacted. interesting, they said to the winner, take your time. it is not normal for winners to
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come forward right away. sign both sides of the ticket, take pictures, put it in a secure location so there's no problems. there's problems of people winning money and then squandering the millions and having all kinds of problems. basically there's a very happy person in new jersey eligible for 338 million or 220 million if they take the lump sum right away. >> i can see squandering a million or two, but 220 million, that's enough to share. ron allen, good luck. and just understand if you get lucky on the 40 million, we are a share and share alike here at jansing and co. on a more serious note, and big money, the european union rescued cyprus from bankruptcy. mandy drury is here with what's moving your money. how is the stock market reacting? >> you should be sharing with cnbc people as well.
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>> you're a regular, i consider you part of the family. >> honorary msnbc. thanks, kris. in terms of the cyprus news, it is kind of interesting. earlier this morning had a very positive influence on our market. the dow hit an all-time high. the ninth time this month, kris, that they set a record high. but as we see, just in the last minute or two, the dow turned slightly negative here, and here is the thing. the negotiators reached that deal hours before the deadline to keep cyprus afloat. i guess also averting a possible exit from eurozone by cyprus. the bad news here, the country is still in economic crisis, probably going to still require more assistance from the european central bank, and the whole concept of a european banking union has been greatly damaged, so it is going to be hard for europeans to convince everyone that bank deposits are safe. that's possibly one of the
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reasons we're seeing the market lose some of its early gains. >> on a different note, standard, american baseball, hot dog and a beer. now there could be an alternative. >> yes. absolutely. a single serving zipz, available at major league parks across the nation. you may have seen these, served in a single serve glass, made from plastic, and it is 100% recyclable. you'll find them at citifield and other places across the country for the wine connoisseur about this. i can see the articles now, what goes best with hot dog, sauerkraut, mustard. cnbc's mandy drury, cheers. president obama will use the antiquity act, areas protected for their value.
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that feeds them for up to six months. you get bigger, healthier plants, guaranteed. who's got two green thumbs thanks to miracle-gro? ah, this gal. boom! with the right soil, everyone grows with miracle-gro. lawmakers are bracing for contentious budget battles. they passed the first spending plan in four years. not one republican voted for it, and four democrats voted against. i am joined by the acting politics editor with roll call. good to see you. good morning. >> good morning. >> no doubt contrast on the budgets passed. the senate version raises a trillion dollars in revenues in ten years. house increases military spending, senate slashes it.
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house plan overhauls medicare, senate version makes no fundamental changes. with baselines like that, where do we go from here? >> i think we go forward hopefully, and there's an opening to further discussions about the budget. if we get any grand budget bargain in the next year it will look nothing like the two proposals that passed the house and senate. next we will see what the president proposes next week in his own budget. in particular, our reporters are looking to see how closely his proposal will mirror the one that the senate passed. and that will give us a sign of where negotiations are headed. >> is there a good, clear area where it looks like they could come together? i want to play for you quickly, speaking of a little optimism, you sound a tiny bit optimistic, here is what karl rove of all people had to say about this. >> frankly i take it as a constructive sign, house passing the budget with less spending, senate democrats passing with
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more spending, going to conference and working out difficulties. it requires hard work, requires work by the committees, but that's the way things actually give and take. >> where are there areas where it looks like both sides might be able to forge some compromise? >> well, there aren't a lot of areas on paper where they said they will be willing to compromise. i will look in the president's budget to see if he has changes to medicare. that's something house republicans are advocating for, they want huge cuts to medicare. that could bridge the divide, almost go around the senate and finding a way to make deep cuts. >> and we have time. the next key moment is in the spring talking about the debt limit? >> absolutely. that's the next big fight facing capitol hill that the country is reaching the debt limit once again. this is a little different than the debt limit crisis of 2013. house republicans in the past dug in, tried to get something from the president. house republicans know voters
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are sick of crisis politics in congress. i don't think they're going to do that this time necessarily. they'll want something in exchange for voting to raise the debt ceiling but won't be a big midnight battle like the last couple. >> thanks so much. >> thank you. today's tweet of the day comes from pentagon press secretary george little. today is national medal of honor day. take a moment to retweet a salute to medal of honor recipients throughout american history. #heroes. n horn but... ♪ toot toot. [ male announcer ] find gevalia in the coffee aisle or at
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the weather is giving new meaning to the term march madness. a major storm dumping several inches of snow on a wide area from the midwest to the mid-atlantic. st. louis has gotten about a foot. it is the biggest one day total ever for march. weather channel meteorologist mike seidel has more from maryland. >> reporter: good morning. the snow is still coming down, not as hard as earlier. we are on i-270.
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this is the major route from frederick, 50 mile drive to washington, it is in great shape this morning. it was in good shape before sunrise when it was snowing harder. the thing about a late march snowfall in this area and across most of the lower 48, we have a high sun angle now, as potent as it is in mid september. radiation is coming down, getting soaked up by the pavement and concrete. the parking lot which was covered earlier, that's now melted off. temperatures helping, too, running between 32 and 34 degrees this morning. washington national in the past hour jumped up to 36. safely above freezing there at reagan. meanwhile, totals, generally 3 to 5 inches in western maryland, around baltimore and d.c. and suburbs, upwards of 3 to 4 inches, heavy snow. some schools closed in higher elevations, most schools in d.c. and baltimore are out for spring break or stayed open, some on two hour delay.
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talking about heavy, wet, gloppy snow, show you how easy to roll a ball to make a snowman. it is like glue, like wet, sloppy snow. isn't that beautiful, kris? this is heavy, wet snow. a lot of moisture, what they call heart attack snow. this is the kind of stuff you shovel and can get winded quickly. there you go. as far as airports go today, kris, delays at newark, philadelphia, keep an eye on new york city hubs. airlines cancelled 300 flights there, not a huge list of cancellations, but still that with delays in deicing will slow you down. reagan, dulles, about 100 flights cancelled so far. a rude awakening for those hoping for spring six days in, and another snowstorm in the mid-atlantic. and it will be chilly, below average the rest of the week. >> mike seidel, power lifting a 50 pound snowball. that wraps up this hour.
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richard lui is in for thomas roberts. >> he loves the snow. coming up, the agenda next hour, michael bloomberg versus the nra. wayne lapierre says he is trying to buy america. will the ad buy work? and an american with a different look. how can the king of social media make a difference? and the boss, new jersey governor chris christie announces next hour something he has never done before. he is taking over an entire school district. can he fix a city's failing schools. and tomorrow's historic day at the supreme court. all next on msnbc. introducing new febreze stick & refresh
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